Mirror Mirror

“Love is the law. Love under will.” - Alastair Crowley


What is it like to be an artist, you ask? What is it like to be me? I think the better question is, what is it like to be yourself. At 7 years old my family moved from Cincinnati to a farm in rural Kentucky. Two years later my brother and I went from public school to homeschool. A year later I was in a car accident in which I lost two of my front permanent teeth. Shortly after that, my parents divorced. Then the following year, we went to a new public school. I was in 6th grade. My grade consisted of 32 children and the K-12 school was small enough to be housed in a single building in the smallest county in Kentucky. Not long after starting school, bullying began.

I’ve always been different. I’ve always thought differently and responded passively and that has often led to experiences of confusion, anger and aggression from the outside. Whether it came from teachers or students, friends or their parents, I seemed to trigger certain folks in extreme ways.

I have learned a lot from these folks. I have learned to be centered when things around me seem insane. I’ve learned about projection. I’ve learned about empathy. I’ve learned about forgiveness. I’ve learned that the extreme states of others are not my fault or my responsibility. I am only responsible for me.

Friends have always come and gone. Whether it is from moving across states, changing schools, parents moving away, or shifting mindsets, my experience of relationships has been deeply transient. Fundamentally, this has shaped the way I relate to others. At first the sense of detachment I experience caused me much suffering. I felt I could not connect in the loving way I wanted to. I felt that my desire to love others and my feelings of detachment were not compatible. I was afraid that the ending of a relationship was the ending of love. What I have learned is that love and relationships are not exclusive.

In relationships, there are two boundaries: there is the boundary we have with ourselves and the boundary we have with others. What I have learned is that understanding the boundary I have with myself allows me to clearly see boundaries with others. The spirit within me desires to love and unify with everyone. However, the being that my spirit resides in has its own desires. Primarily, it desires to feel safe and supported.

We can spend a lot of energy in our lives seeking the feeling of safety and support from others. But this is temporary. In truth, we can only provide this for ourselves. This begins with becoming conscious of our needs and desires and then showing up for ourselves unconditionally in order to provide them. I show up for myself and provide this safety and support to by choosing to be very selective about the things I allow in: The music I listen to, the stories I read, the topics I invest my consciousness in, the people I surround myself with… All of these choices define how I spiritually support my being.

One of the things about being an artist is that one cannot separate the artist from the being. Art is simply the creative language of self expression. Being an artist means being willing to express yourself creatively. Feelings of safety and support are essential to healthy creation. If an artist cannot find this within themselves, they will constantly feel defined by how they are received. This is what it is like to be an artist – it is reaching into yourself to be honest enough to share your truth, strong enough to support it, and soft enough to receive the truths of others.

There is this tendency for us to link the choice to live spiritually with the willingness to sacrifice ourselves. This is a misunderstanding that has plagued us for far too long. When we speak of sacrifice from a spiritual perspective, it is the practice of the seeker to sacrifice the idea of themselves and surrender to the service of becoming who they are. We become who we are as we discover and establish our boundaries and how we respond to others.

Our spirits have incarnated into a world of cause and effect. Karma is simply effect. So when someone gets really annoyed by what I share and wants to throw a pebble in my eye; karmically, I am experiencing the effect of sharing who I am with others. Yes, it is true, I really do see this world as a reflection of myself. That is the point of approaching life from a spiritual perspective. To choose to not use the world as an opportunity to reflect on one’s self is a huge missed opportunity. This is how we gain self knowledge and growth. It is sad that so many folks miss out on valuable opportunities for growth believing that they are being self-less.

Ironically, not allowing the world to be a reflection of yourself is extremely self-absorbed. This suggests that the world owes us something and that we are apart from it. That the expressions and boundaries of others are in opposition to us. As if we are so important that another soul would live out their blessings as form of revenge against us.

This state of mind is what leads folks to extremes. It generates suspicious thinking, negativity, self-centeredness, and violent fantasies. So a person desiring to throw stones and blame others is actually experiencing their own reflection, whether they are aware of it or not. When a living thing responds in violence, be it physical, verbal, or mental, they are actually conjuring the persona that they are projecting on to others.

Becoming aware of these negative patterns in ourselves enables us to make different choices, respond differently to our experiences, and establish trust with ourselves that we will act in alignment with our needs and boundaries.

So what does that mean in a situation? For me, it means giving attention to energies that I consider healthy and beneficial. Violence in any form is wholly unacceptable. But what does one do when they are presented with a violent approach from outside? Acknowledge it and then transform it. Does it sting to know that people have feelings of violence towards me? It can. But it also makes me grateful to know that the folks who use their creative forces to conjure fantasies of suffering in others have been successfully removed from my life and are now relegated to the internet dumping-ground.

What does it say about those who choose to annoy themselves and indulge in violent fantasies by following what I share? I mean, seriously. It’s like choosing to go to a movie you hate just to hate the people who made the movie. If what you are doing inspires negativity in your heart, you’re doing the wrong thing. It’s really quite simple. The one who curses others curses himself. The one who wishes for another’s suffering prays for a suffering of their own creation. He who puts his force into negativity reaps negativity. When another’s negativity gets projected upon us, it only becomes ours if we allow ourselves to take in and then reflect that negativity back out again – then it is ours and we must own it.

Choosing to live a spiritual life does not mean having to subject one’s self or attention to those who cannot understand or respect boundaries. It is not the job of a person choosing to live spiritually to tell others what their behavior is or is not. The job is to teach by example. The spiritual life is being the example. In being the example, you become the effect. That is it.

Violence is systemic and its temptation reaches deep into Earth’s psyche. Yet unlike other animals, humans have a more focused ability to choose their nature. It is not our fault that we are born into a culture of violence, but it is our responsibility to change the pattern and evolve it. That is what we are all here to do: evolve.

In order to evolve, we are given a point of perspective through which the nature of who we are is revealed to us in 3D. We get to have a sun and a moon and soil and fruit and brothers and sisters… these angels come before us to help us see ourselves and evolve our nature. Without them, we could never truly know ourselves or our nature. We would only be an idea of who we are. So we must act it out and in so doing, choose our nature.

Caroline Myss says it beautifully, “Imagine, before you incarnated, you were speaking with your committee of angels and they said to you, ‘In this lifetime you will learn to master the knife. You will experience joy and hardship and you may become a chef or maybe a killer. Either way, you will learn to master the knife.’”

So, to those it may concern - I’m sorry if in mastering my art, my nature brought suffering. Forgive me for the pain I have caused because of the nature of my limited awareness. Thank you for feeding me your truth. I love you regardless.


The Power Of Choice

It’s been two years since I wrote my last entry here. This is what was happening:

Pink Bull 2018 Olivia Kathryn Hinds Acrylic on Canvas 48”x36”

Pink Bull 2018 Olivia Kathryn Hinds Acrylic on Canvas 48”x36”

It’s hard to say where the story begins. Losing my job? My uncle passing away too soon? Reading a life changing book? My first yoga class? None of these and all of these are true. In a sense, it started the day I decided to be an artist. But what day was that? Three years ago I decided. At six years old, I had also decided. I decided when I went to college too. So, I can not tell you when it truly began. The truth is, I have committed to being an artist repeatedly throughout my life, and at every stage the commitment has always felt the same even though every time its face has changed.

I suppose you could say that that face is mine; the one I can never truly see. Two years ago, I did not recognize her at all. She was completely exhausted and her heart continuously sought comfort in bitter convictions. It is so easy for us to fall under the spell of our experiences. All of us have a lifetime of them and the truth is, it is hard to admit that we have absolutely no control over them. The list of things I felt I had to control was literally out of control. I was petrified of gaining weight from having a sedentary job so I cut out all carbs. I also had terrible digestive problems that “forced” me to eliminate all sorts of fruits and vegetables from my diet. My stomach would be in crippling pain every day if I didn’t follow these rules. My mind would be in crippling fear if I didn’t obey it’s fat-prevention rules. My body was getting sick from fatigue and abuse. I was in such a state of anxiety and malnutrition that my heart became arhythmic. Emotionally, I was constantly prepared for disappointment. Just remembering how I used to be creates a familiar tightness behind my eyes and around my heart.

The crazy thing is, I loved my life. I was making money and I got to be creative at work. If you’ve ever worked freelance, then you are aware of that awful sinking feeling that lingers inside no matter how good the work is. The job was open ended as long as there was work – of which there was plenty. Too much really, but still I was tormented by the idea that work might dry up any day and I would be fucked and it would be all on me because I was freelance – because that’s the deal. What I came to understand was that employment, or rather security of any kind, is an illusion.

That was the moment I lost faith in something I didn’t know I believed in. It might seem trivial to some of you, but I had believed that being employed by a business would provide me with the security I needed to be who I am: an Artist. I believed that I needed to be supported by a culture that does not value who I am in order for me to be who I am. Basically, I was killing myself to be myself. It took heaps of faith and a list of noteworthy life events just challenging enough to get me to the point of breakdown necessary for the spell to be broken. We all have that point: the one where either there has to be more to life or you’re outta here. Either you fix your shit or continue to suffer the same fate.

This way of being had made me somebody I am not. Yet the person I’d become was still definitely me. So who am I? This body I inhabit is named Olivia. Yet when I lose parts of this body; I am still me. In fact, you could say that the times when I have lost parts of this body, I have discovered more of myself. I am the things I do and don’t do. I am everything I like, and everything I dislike. I am my voice. I am also my silence. I am none of these things. I alone choose what I do with myself every day and why I do those things determines my reality. With this insight, I slowly began the radical process of consciously choosing myself.

Believe me, dear reader, the process of choosing one’s self is no selfish task. It requires honesty, commitment, and an alignment with truth that is so intrinsic to your own heart that it will make you question who you are. This is who you are. This is the path of goodness. This is grace.

My journey back to myself started the day I woke up to my illusions about security. Even though I didn’t know it then, the world of magic had opened up to me. I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not what you think. In fact, the journey back to our true self is one of the heart. One where we have to feel our way home. We’ve been trying to think our way home this whole time. How’s that working for us? You know that feeling you have right now? The one where you feel a little triggered because I used the word “magic”. Maybe you feel uneasy because all this shit I am saying sounds a lot like someone who has been saved. Maybe you feel a tightness around you heart because you’ve stopped believing in the thing that the word “magic” represents. So it feels painful but maybe that pain actually looks a lot like anger. Maybe judgement. Or perhaps it feels like superiority because you certainly know better.

Guess what, those negative feelings are creating a negative experience for you right now. That experience is the result of a belief system that you probably don’t realize you are choosing to operate by. It is important to know that you have the freedom to select the belief systems that are most beneficial for you, even if folks try to make it seem otherwise. This is a planet of free will.

So let’s just choose to be openminded for a moment. Trust me, if you don’t like how the world of magic feels, you can always go back to your regularly scheduled programming. Comfort comes in all sizes… just try the shoe on. You don’t have to buy it. Think about it this way: if our beliefs create the illusion of our experience, then who is the magician responsible for the illusion? We are the magicians. Magic is what we make of what manifests.

Unfortunately, most people’s relationship with the idea of magic is one of impossibility and foolishness. Traits we associate with that child version of ourselves that quietly disappeared while we were slogged along in a system that swaps out our creative will-power for fear. Fear of being wrong, failing, being held back from a group of our peers, feeling powerless.… So, it is understandable that what immediately comes up for us is a sickeningly thick layer of crappy feelings trying their damndest to protect us from these experiences. We have all experienced the pain of being wrong. What happens when we are wrong twice? Shame on us. The western world is ripe with this indoctrinated mindset. It is so evident that many consider themselves survivors of it, even those still enchanted.

Every step along my journey has started with the thought, “I can always come back to where I am now.” I still find solace in those words even though at this point, where I was when I made this my mantra is no longer a place I feel I can return. That’s the irony of learning; we can’t actually ever return. Ignorance is bliss because bliss knows nothing. Ignorance can not tell the difference between things and so it can not know that it suffers, and so it survives. We’re gonna suffer whether we know it or not, and we’re gonna learn things whether we like it or not, and the mind is gonna choose things whether we’re aware of it or not, so why not choose awareness and start creating a different reality for yourself? This is the essence of magic.

Let’s talk a little bit about what magic is. Ironically, it is everything you are already doing. Except when you walk in the world of magic, you do so with intention. So, if you want to increase your power to change your reality, you have to increase your own awareness. All of your thoughts, feelings, words and behaviors must be in alignment with who you are. If you’re an artist and you spend your time acting as a graphic designer… you’re going to have a much harder time being an artist. Same goes if you desire love but won’t give love freely.

As a “magician,” you are choosing to function as a conscious spiritual force in the material world. Therefore, your primary “wand” is your body. So, in order to open the door to the world of magic, you must first come into alignment with your body by establishing trust with yourself. This means that your words reflect your inner truth and your actions reflect your words. Without this primary alignment, it is impossible for us to build our power. If we don’t honor who we are, we close ourselves off from our primary source of energy – our spirit.

How do we honor who we are? We show up for ourself because we love ourself. How do we do that? We meet our own needs. How do we meet our needs? By accepting who we are and providing for ourselves accordingly. At the beginning it is going to be hard to build trust with yourself because that character who you’ve become, the one that really isn’t you, is going to put you through one serious mind fuck. So be ready to challenge yourself to source some deep states of trust with yourself as you begin to break away from all of your rituals and examine why you do the things you do. That “why” is the seed of your magic; it is how the elements of life mix to create your universe.

What it means to me to be artist and/or magician is to commit to my heart’s calling. To seek to know my heart so intimately that I create a universe of grace within myself. Why do I create? To know my self. How do I know myself? By what I create. How do I create? By what I do. This is what we call the act of ritual. We are all in ritual in every moment of every day whether we realize it or not. Even the stars, moon, and planets are in ritual. So while you’re living a life riddled with the side effects common to the rituals of late-stage materialism, know that there are other ways to live. One way being a life of magic.

It is from the perspective of magic, spirit or whatever you’d like to call the mystery that animates matter, that I will share my view on things. I feel it is important to bring a fresh perspective to a tired collective. These topics will be wildly various, highly important, mind-opening and likely to some, ridiculous. I once found some of these topics ridiculous myself. One of my favorite buddhist proverbs goes, “The foot feels the foot when the foot feels the earth.” We can only know ourselves through experiencing everything else. So keep this in mind and be open to the benefits of radically shifting your perspective and the magic that doing so will bring to your life. There is a whole other world right in front of you and it’s only a thought away.

Thanks for reading, friends. Writing is a new and vulnerable venture for me, so, if you appreciate my perspective, drop me a line! Ask me a question! Let’s discuss! I want to share and no topic is off limits. Let’s open up the cosmos together.

Peace to you, my friend.

- Olivia

mind + matter

I think we are well advised to keep on nodding terms with the people we used to be, whether we find them attractive company or not. Otherwise they turn up unannounced and surprise us, come hammering on the mind’s door at 4 A.M. of a bad night and demand to know who deserted them, who betrayed them, who is going to make amends.
— Joan Didion
"Disguise/Discern" 2008 colored pencil on black paper

"Disguise/Discern" 2008 colored pencil on black paper

As I sit here in my sunroom on a cold November morning, I am overcome by the magnificent complexity of the plants that surround me. Just a year ago I had only a few small succulents and some struggling basil. I felt like I was just not gifted with a green thumb and I was afraid to try to grow anything else because the idea of killing a living thing made me feel like I was selfish for even trying. This summer I expressed this feeling to my mom, who is an incredible organic farmer. She explained that a plant dying is part of learning how to become a better gardener and encouraged me to embrace the reality that failure is part of improving.

By the end of the summer, my mom had successfully helped turn my barren sun room into a thriving jungle. She started me off with some geraniums, a hearty plant. They would put up with a little inattention, but wouldn’t survive the kind of neglect that succulents are so fond of… and that I was so good at. It was the perfect starter plant, I learned how to watch them, learn their language, and understand how to care for them. I didn’t kill a single one.

This summer was a practice of patience and care. I had a lot of free time this summer: a scary reality when you’re self-employed. However, I had time to care for my plants, read, reflect, and be alone. In doing that, I challenged myself to learn to be peaceful within myself and bring peace into my world even when my world seemed like it is falling apart because work was uncertain and sparse. I taught myself to remain calm and focused in the face of some serious fear of failure. It was mind over matter.

Slowly, I began to learn the power of my consciousness over my experience. I realized that love, openness, and trust are the foundation upon which one builds a strong relationship with themselves and their world. By reconnecting with myself in this way, I also felt more deeply connected to Mother Nature and my own sense of purpose. I felt myself evolving in my own self-knowing. By remembering who I have been, I have been reminded of the power I have over who I can become.

I find myself full circle as I look back on my thesis collection: ten years older and yet closer to the girl I remember than the person I was a year ago. Back then I was enamoured with Mother Earth and her endlessly exquisite metaphors and forms. In 2008, when I was working on my BFA thesis, I was exploring this theme through still life drawings, and watercolor collages. I was looking for an ephemeral technique that captured the ecstasy in the flash meeting between the self and the Mother.

Today, I am still in love with her. She enchants me in my sun room, keeps me company in my studio, and is there every time I step. I have presented here, my BFA thesis, Gestalt. Take a look at how the theme of my relationship to mother earth began and then check out my current body of work to see how this same theme is expressed today. Leave me a note, I’d love to hear your thoughts!


P.S. If you'd like to learn more about my mom's farm, you can check out her website here.